Mobil raises $50,000 for KidsCan in the first half of 2021

500,000 coffees sold to support Kiwi kids
Mobil customers, agents and dealers have so far this year helped raise more than $50,000 for KidsCan Charitable Trust.

In February, Mobil launched a co-branded coffee initiative with KidsCan. For every coffee sold at selected Mobil service stations, Mobil donates 10 cents towards the programmes that KidsCan implements in primary schools and early childhood education centres across Aotearoa New Zealand.

KidsCan and Mobil agree that education is a child’s ticket out of poverty, and gives them the opportunity for a better future.  But kids can’t learn when they are cold, wet, or hungry.

With more than 500,000‬ cups of coffee sold in the first half of 2021, KidsCan now has more funding to provide the essentials that help our tamariki to learn.

To provide some context, that could provide 25,000 hot meals for tamariki at school, 2,000 fleece-lined jackets to keep children warm and dry in winter, or completely support two early childhood education centres for an entire year.

Mobil helps with the heavy lifting
Every term (four times a year), KidsCan delivers about a million food items to KidsCan-supported schools.

During July, a group from team Mobil dropped by KidsCan’s warehouse in Albany, to help prepare food items for distribution to schools across the country.

The team, which included three Mobil service station operators – Murali Kruthiventy, Joe Nel, and Rajnesh Prasad – spent a busy morning preparing food items, lifting boxes and packing pallet orders for delivery.

Murali Kruthiventy, who operates Mobil Ōteha Valley on Auckland’s North Shore, highlighted the importance of giving back to the community that keeps Mobil in business.

“It’s been really gratifying to see what happens at a shop level, through our coffee sales, directly feed into KidsCan’s work at the ground level,” he said.

Mobil’s head office staff were similarly appreciative of the opportunity to put in some physical work in addition to Mobil’s financial contribution.

“It’s a fantastic job that KidsCan does supporting tamariki across Aotearoa, and we’re really grateful we’re able to support them and be part of the solution,” said Andrew McNaught, Mobil’s lead country manager.

Thanks to everyone who volunteered – and to everyone who’s supporting our Kids Can Mobil coffee initiative. You are all part of the team helping to make a difference. 

Some kind words from an early childhood centre we help support
"I just believe that in our community we deserve something a little bit better for our children. This is where it all starts. I believe if we’re feeding our children here then it feeds their minds and gets them prepared for where we want them to go.  

“I just want to thank KidsCan. I didn’t think that would make a change in them so quickly. They are a lot more settled – when you have a full puku [stomach] you’re happy and able to engage. They sleep well and they play well. I’m so thankful."